Earth laughs in flowers

‘Earth laughs in flowers’ that’s a really nice quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson and if you visit Bali there is no need to think of anything else. The diversity of flowers on the Island of Gods is huge and one is more colourful than the other.

Bali or moreover Indonesia has 3 national flowers, which are the moon orchid, a certain kind of jasmine and a certain kind of rafflesia. The different blossoms of the flowers are of major importance in Bali for their ceremonies.

Flowers in Bali

The original word for jasmine is Jasminum officinale or just common jasmine. This flower is really famous for its scent and the flower appears on a bought which can stretch until up to 5m. It has 5 to 9 blossoms standing next to each other and up to ten of these gregarious blossoms are together.

Flowers in Bali

The orchid is a flower which mostly grows on trees to have better access to the surface and the light. Since in the dark rainforests of the orchids origin, flowers have to search for light to grow. However, the orchid is no parasitic plant and takes its essential nutrients from the air and the rain water.


Source: Flickr

Rafflesia is a specific genus of a parasitic flower. It comprises approximately 28 types, which are all found in southeastern Asia. The plant does not have any stems, leaves or true roots. It  spreads its absorptive organ, inside the tissue of the vine. The only part of the plant that can be seen outside the host vine is the five-petaled flower.

However, you can see a lot more than just these 3 major national flowers in Bali and Indonesia. Other flowers that can be seen are hibiscus, frangipani, bougainvillaea, poinsettia, oleander, water lily, lotus, roses, begonias and hydrangeas.

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