Villa Rumah Lotus

About Villa Rumah Lotus



Around the villa

Warung nasi ibu salin
981 m
Mads Lange
1.0 km
Pasar Tegallalang
1.8 km
Centro payangan
2.3 km
Cabana Lounge
3.7 km
Batan poh bayad
4.2 km
Ngurah Rai (Bali) International Airport
43.2 km


빌라 파인더의 서약
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다음에서 '우수' 등급을 받았습니다
9.8/10 (평점은 21개 후기를 기반으로 합니다)

Rumah Lotus : Une parenthèse de calme de sérénité et de bonheur ! Nous avons fortement apprécié la localisation de la villa, qui bénéficie d'une vue extraordinaire à 180d° sans vis a vis ; la villa est dotée d'une superficie hors du commun, meublée et décorée sans faute de gout! Le manager qui vous accompagnera tout au long de votre séjour est d'une efficacité hors pair ! tout comme le staff de cette villa. Petit bémol : la nourriture et les menus plutôt basiques

JM Brun - Hurpré (프랑스) stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends from 26/09/2022 to 03/10/2022 (Translated from 프랑스어)

This was our first time to stay in the private villa. We found this villa through internet and decided to book because of the view and spacious pool. The staff at the villa was very friendly and made our stay memorable. My wife really liked the in-house spa. My daughter didn’t want to get out from the pool. Thank you so much for the wonderful service.

Lenamaru (일본) stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends and their families from 02/05/2022 to 06/05/2022 (Translated from 영어)

Nach einem anstrengendem Anflug mit 6 Stunden Verspätung kamen wir in Bali an und wurden von Made (Hausmanager) herzlichst begrüsst mit kalten Tüschern. Auf der Hinreise zur Villa hat er uns einiges von Bali erzählen können, was uns eine gute Startunterstützung war. EIN riesen Danke noch an dieser Stelle für den grandiosen Support in Singapore, aufgrund unserer Verspätung mit dem Flug, ich als Hyperchonderin, fühlte mich stets gut betreut durch Trias und Okta von Und Made ist wegen uns einmal umsonst zum Airport am Morgen gefahren, das tat uns um so mehr Leid, als uns die Strecke bis zur Villa bewusst wurde. Die Ankuft am Abend in der Villa hätte herzlicher nicht sein können, dass anschliessende Essen von Yanti war das Highlight des Tages. Jeder Tag begann für uns mit einem herlichen, nach Wunsch zubereitetem Frühstück von Yanti und Dewi, auf unsere Wünsche wurde jeder Zeit eingegangen und wir fühlten uns mit den beiden im Hintergrund nie gestört und es war immer schön kleine Gespräche zu führen und sich über seine Länder auszutauschen, da man hier betonen muss, dass wir nicht ganz realisiert haben wie "Angestellt" genau definiert war und wir dies gar nicht gewöhnt sind bzw anstrebten. Per Whats App konnte man Made immer erreichen auch wenn man etwas anderes mal sehen wollte, wie wir, und er hat mit uns ein Fussbalspiel von Bali United besucht und alles für uns organisiert. Das baldig entstehende Wissen, so nah am Trouble der City von Ubud zu sein und doch jeden Abend in ein kleines Idyll in den Reisfeldern zurück zu kommen war der Punkt, welcher die Erholung komplett machte. Da unsere Tage meisst nach dem Frühstück, ab um 11:00 Uhr, bis spät in die Nacht in Bali liefen, hatten wir jeden Abend freude unseren Sicherheitsherren zu sehen welcher uns auch stets herzlich begrüsst hat und wir uns 2 Wochen ohne auch nur je ein Schloss angefasst zu haben, ausser vom Motorrad, sicher gefühlt haben. Wir haben von der Villa ein Motorrad organisiert bekommen inkl. Helm und einem reibungslosen Ablauf, 2 Wochen lang haben wir uns sicher gefühlt und es hat uns zuverlässig von A nach B gebracht, auch durch den dichtesten Dschungel. Die Reisezeiten haben es teils in sich, vorallem wenn man Richtung Vulkane fährt, die herlichen Täler laden zu oft zum verweilen ein, aber das Land lädt sehr zum verweilen ein und darauf sollte man sich einlassen. Die Grünanlage der Villa ist sensationell, die Möglichkeit Kokosnüsse frisch vom Baum aus dem Garten zu geniessen macht teils süchtig, der Pool ist riesig und lud jeden Tag zum schwimmen ein, auch Nachts um 23:00 Uhr. In der Nähe liegt das Karsa Spa, auch wenn im Villa Angebot eine Organisation von einer Massage vorhanden und möglich ist sowie ein wunderbar liebevoll eingerichteter Raum an der Rückseite der Villa, lohnt es sich diese paar Kilometer zu fahren Richtung Ubud und sich unter freien Himmel verwöhnen zu lassen (Tipp: Grad bei Ankuft buchen gehen, furchtbar beliebt und ausgebucht). Nach 2 Wochen und bevorstehender Abreise, fühlten wir uns wirklich erholt und sind runter gefahren vom Alltagsstress und konnten viel über die Kultur und das Land erfahren, die Villa war ein super Ruhepol und die Zahlung am Ende mit Mastercard problemlos, aufgrund der entstanden Kosten von uns welche durch Getränke etc. noch dazu kamen,wo Yanti und Dewi einkaufen mussten. Aber auch wenn wir uns Getränke etc. gekauft haben, durften wir stets den Kühlschrank benutzen. Made hat sich am Abreisetag mit uns gemeinsam um unsere Rückreiseplanung gekümmert und uns zeitlich perfekt an den Airport gebracht. Kleine Randbemerkung: Die Fotos der Villa sind alle 1:1 und die Ruhe trotz "nur" 100m weiter weg von einer Landstrasse, super. Die Nähe zum Reisfeld ist nicht unangenehm und wir hatten immer Gekos zu besuch was uns gefreut hat. Trotz der Masse an Strassenhunde hatten wir 1 mal Besuch von einem, welcher nur durch das Tor schaute und dann wieder gegangen ist. Danke und Villa Rumah Lotus Team für die Tolle Unterkunft in unseren Ferien!

Sandra (스위스) enjoyed a romantic stay at Villa Rumah Lotus from 12/05/2019 to 24/05/2019 (Translated from 독일어)

For my first visit to Bali, I had the pleasure to stay for a week at the villa Rumah Lotus. Idyllic setting, lovely staff and great care, fantastic pool, in short : paradise! I plan to come back very soon and can only recommend this villa.

Corinne (스위스) stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus from 04/05/2019 to 11/05/2019 (Translated from 프랑스어)

A very pretty architect-designed villa. The infinity pool overlooking the rice paddies is superb. The staff are attentive to your wishes and very discreet. We'll be back with pleasure.

Valérie et Christophe (프랑스) enjoyed a romantic stay at Villa Rumah Lotus from 18/10/2018 to 22/10/2018 (Translated from 프랑스어)

A great villa in the middle of rice field, very comfortable with excellent swimming pool. The staff took care of us very well. The bed rooms are perfect and the chef is fabulous!

flo (프랑스) stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends and their families from 05/08/2018 to 10/08/2018 (Translated from 프랑스어)

Villa Rumah Lotus is absolutely amazing ! There is a lot of space, the swimming pool is massive and the view is breathtaking. The bedroom are extremely confortable, with a good AC and an attached bathroom with outdoor shower. The service is impeccable, with Made the villa manager always ready to help and accommodate any request. The only downside is the location, which is quite far from Ubud center. But that is a trade off to do for absolute peace!

Emmanuelle (프랑스) enjoyed a romantic stay at Villa Rumah Lotus from 02/12/2017 to 05/12/2017 (Translated from 영어)

My husband and I stayed at Villa Lotus for seven nights this September. We were looking for somewhere quiet and this was magical. I'll never forget the view across the pool to the rice fields - it was like a Hollywood film set, it's so perfect. The staff were all lovely. The food was really good, daily massages in the spa room, and the lovely Made, who drove us into Ubud and bought us back after dinner every evening. I would recommend this villa to anyone who is thinking of booking. We have been to Ubud many times and this is by far the most beautiful villa we have stayed in. Just go!

Torda (영국) enjoyed a romantic stay at Villa Rumah Lotus from 28/09/2017 to 05/10/2017 (Translated from 영어)

We absolutely loved Casa Cinta 2. The pick up from the airport was a nice touch, and then arriving at the villa we were met by the manager who explained the workings of the villa. The location was perfect, with some very great restaurants within walking distance such as Watercress and Hog Wild. There was a minimart nearby and various massage places all within walking distance. We loved the simplicity of the Villa and the breakfast cooked for us were very nice. We had no other meals cooked for us since we were told that she could not cook very well. It was ok since plenty of restaurants nearby as mentioned. The Villa was spotless and had everything you need. The swimming pool and outside area were very sweet and worked well for us. We will definitely come back to Villa Casa Cinta 2.

Linnie (싱가포르) stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends and their families from 10/10/2015 to 17/10/2015 (Translated from 영어)

Jacques-Alexandre AUDRY (프랑스) stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends from 04/08/2014 to 08/08/2014 (Translated from 영어)

We were in love with the villa on our first arrival. The view , the size of it & how beautifully serene it was. The rooms are large, clean & have plenty of storage with an open bathroom. Views over the rice paddies. Watching the paddy ducks go home at night. Breakfast wasn't overly interesting but it was made with love. We ate twice at night at the villa & the food was fantastic. Candles lit music playing gorgeous evening. Transport was readily available to UBUD centre & activities for a reasonable price. The staff are incredibly helpful. We would highly recommend Villa Rumah Lotus if you are looking for a quiet holiday. We stayed 5 nights before going down to Seminyak.

Simone Hart (미국) stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends from 06/07/2014 to 11/07/2014 (Translated from 영어)

Dear Rumah lotus, “From the moment we walked in we are in love! Such as beautiful villa and the views are indescribable ! Waking up to paddy fields, tress and mountains has been an unenected pleasure every morning. Everything has been so luxurious. Catching BELUT ( paddy field worms) were a highlight. Lastly we cannot say enough about the staff here. GUSTI with his smiley presence and what we can only imagine are his ninja stealth skills. KETUT keeping everything beautiful. YANTI, a wizard in the kitchen and so warm and friendly and lastly everyone’s hero MADE! He’s been so helpful ,kind and informative. Our son adores him. The staff here make Rumah lotus what it is! Thank you for an unforgettable time.”

Jesse D stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends from 03/02/2013 to 10/02/2013 (Translated from 영어)

Thank you so much. We had very beautiful night. Very good staff and nice breakfast. We’ll came back soon.

M Dima stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends from 03/12/2012 to 10/12/2012 (Translated from 영어)

A very big thank you to each and everyone, the owner!!! And staff. What amazing place and we will return again.

Bman L stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends and their families from 03/05/2011 to 10/05/2011 (Translated from 영어)

Thank you very much for making us feel welcome. We had a wonderful time. This is a beautiful villa and we are lucky to have stayed here on our first trip to Bali. Everything was very relaxing and we can’t say enough how much we enjoyed being here and meeting you. The food was excellent, especially the mie goreng (fried noodle). Thank you again for having us.

Craig Wengel stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends and their families from 03/04/2011 to 10/04/2011 (Translated from 영어)

My husband and I come to BALI. This is the first time for us but we are really lucky to have a nice place for stay in BALI which is Rumah LOTUS. We have a nice view, completely quite. It is really good for relaxing with a wonderful place like here.

Jessica Petit stayed at Villa Rumah Lotus with a group of friends and their families from 01/01/2010 to 02/01/2010 (Translated from 영어)

서비스 & 특징

Something missing in this villa? Don't worry, our Concierge can arrange it for you. Just let us know :)
  • 시설:

    • 추가 베드 (추가 요금) (500.000 IDR/박, 최대 %person%명)
    • 비상용 발전기
    • 바 카운터
    • 바베큐 조리 시설
    • Free parking private & covered
    • 정자
    • 헤어드라이어
    • 가정용품
    • 모기장
    • 수영장 수건
    • 파라솔
    • 안락의자
    • 안전 금고
    • 수영장
    • 테라스
    • 옷장
    • 와이파이 인터넷
  • 교통:

    • 공항간 교통 포함: 최대 차 1대, 도착 및 출발시
    • 자전거 이용 가능
  • 아동:

    • 유아용 침대 (추가 요금)
  • 엔터테인먼트:

    • CD 플레이어
    • DVD 영화
    • 국제 채널
    • 위성 방송
    • 스테레오
    • TV
  • 식사:

    • 커피메이커
    • 아침 식사 포함
    • 저녁 식사 (추가 요금) (식료품 가격 + 30%)
    • 풀 옵션 주방
    • 점심 식사 (추가 요금) (식료품 가격 + 30%)
  • 서비스:

    • 정원사
    • 하우스키핑 service
    • 마사지 (추가 요금)
    • 수영장 관리
    • 보안 서비스
  • 기타 정보:

    • 최대 인원: 4
    • 직원: 4
    • 정원: 2700 m²
  • 이용 약관:

    • 체크인 02:00 pm 이후
    • 체크아웃: 12:00 pm 이전
    • 레이트 체크아웃: (제공 가능 여부에 따라) 06:00 pm 이전, 일일 요금의 50% 청구

Concierge service

무료 컨시어지 서비스가 여행 전 계획을 관리하고, 머무는 동안 요청 사항을 접수하며, 그 사이에 필요한 모든 것을 도와드립니다!
  • 유아용 의자, 유아용 침대, 유모차
  • 보육 서비스
  • 식료품 쇼핑
  • 사내 마사지
  • 수영장 펜스
  • 개인 셰프
최소 숙박 1 객실 2 객실
체크인: 01/07/2024 체크아웃: 01/08/2024 High season 하루숙박료 USD 321 USD 428
체크인: 01/08/2024 체크아웃: 01/09/2024 Peak season 하루숙박료 USD 428 USD 535
체크인: 01/09/2024 체크아웃: 16/09/2024 High season 하루숙박료 USD 321 USD 428
체크인: 16/09/2024 체크아웃: 20/12/2024 Low season 하루숙박료 USD 214 USD 321
체크인: 20/12/2024 체크아웃: 09/01/2025 Peak season 하루숙박료 USD 428 USD 535
체크인: 09/01/2025 체크아웃: 26/01/2025 Low season 하루숙박료 USD 214 USD 321
체크인: 26/01/2025 체크아웃: 02/02/2025 High season 하루숙박료 USD 321 USD 428
체크인: 02/02/2025 체크아웃: 01/04/2025 Low season 하루숙박료 USD 214 USD 321

Villa Rumah Lotus 주변 빌라

Villa Kembang
Villa Kembang

Ubud - 7 객실

최저 USD 784 /박

1.4 km

Villa Kelusa
Villa Kelusa

Ubud - 4 객실

최저 USD 641 /박

1.5 km

Villa Passion
Villa Passion

Ubud - 1 객실

최저 USD 320 /박

1.6 km